Yearly archives: 2018

2 posts

Major step forward for published African phenology

Today, a brand-new collection of papers has been released by Biotropica as a Special Section – “Rethinking tropical phenology: insights from long‐term monitoring and novel analytical methods” – edited by Katharine Abernethy, Irene Mendoza and Bryan Finegan. Of the nine research papers making up the release, six derive from Africa, and […]

Biotropica special section on tropical phenology

On May 9th 2018, Biotropica will publish a Special Section on tropical phenology, edited by Katharine Abernethy, Irene Mendoza and Bryan Finegan. Papers include contributions from over 100 authors, both new names and those already prominent in the field, including Fred Babweteera, Emma Bush, Osvaldo Caldéron, Colin Chapman, Rick Condit, […]